Contest & Information
Contest Rules and RegulationsTo enter, submit a high-quality resolution photo of your pet along with an entry form and a $10 entry fee. Entries will be accepted from June 1 through July 15.
Voting begins July 20 and ends July 26, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
All entries will be displayed at WalMart and The Salvation Army in Ozark on the last two Saturdays in July. You may vote at both locations from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Voting will close at 6:00 p.m. on the last Saturday in July, 2014.
Tips for Photographers
Red-Eye: This problem is easy to prevent ... shooting without a flash is #1. Some newer cameras have a red-eye reduction feature, but if yours does not when using a flash, try to have your pet not look directly into the camera.
Dark/Light Animals: It is common to see photos of black dogs that look more like black blobs and white dogs who have washed-out features. With black animals, it is important to give them light from all sides to bring out their features and detail. Always use a flash when photographing a dark-coated pet and use a fast film speed - 400 or above. Avoid having the pet backlighted or using fluorescent light.
Angle: Get on your pet’s level when taking his picture.
Patience: Squeaky toys and dangling feathers get pet’s attention. It may take some time for your pet to calm down, so just wait him out. They will relax eventually.
Look Around: To help visualize what your photo will look like, look through your viewfinder and pretend it’s a picture. Notice items in the background and foreground. You want to focus on your pet’s face, eyes, and overall facial expression.
Bring It In: The most effective way for people to improve photos is to step in ... meaning get closer or use your camera’s zoom feature to get “in your pet’s face.”
Experiment with color, props, settings, and camera angles. Before you know it, you’ll have a piece of art!
One more tip ... avoid using a Smart Phone unless you have checked your settings. Remember, get the best quality you possibly can! If you’re unsure, try printing an 8 x 10 and see what it looks like!
The Ozark-Dale County Humane Society is proud to announce our second annual pet photo contest and fundraiser. With such an overwhelming success last year, there is no doubt this contest will be successful this year, too! All proceeds raised by the event help feed and care for the furbabies who pass through our doors and we know they are the real winners! Of course, the pet receiving the most votes will also be a winner, as our cover pet for the 2015 calendar! So get your family, friends, co-workers, and even complete strangers to vote for your pet. You can send an email, share a link to the website on your Facebook page, Twitter ... or even in person!!
Important Information
Voting begins July 20 and votes can be cast at Walmart and Salvation Army in Ozark on the last two Saturdays of July or online at or by mail to:
ODCHS 2015 Photo Contest
PO Box 2502
Ozark AL 36361
Each vote costs one dollar ($1) and there is no limit - you may vote as many times as you’d like!
All profits go to help the Shelter animals.
For more information, visit our website ( You may mail your entry fee and high- quality photo or pay online and upload your high-quality photo. Note: Those pictures whose quality does not meet printable standards may be disqualified.
What Else Can You Do?
✓ Buy a Date - $1/each
✓ Buy a business card ad for your business - $50
✓ Both can be done online at!
NOTE: If you submitted an entry, whether a pet's photo, business card, or date on the calendar, and do not see it on our website, please notify our WEBMASTER by Wednesday, July 31 at 5:00 p.m.
We have set the locations for voting! WalMart and Salvation Army (Martindale Plaza) - both in Ozark - on Saturday, August 3 and August 10 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Be sure to stop by and cast your vote! Of course, you can also vote online beginning August 1! Votes are a dollar each. If you opt to vote online, you can update your total number of votes when you are taken to PayPal. Be sure you click UPDATE to change the amount due.
Voting begins July 20 and ends July 26, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
All entries will be displayed at WalMart and The Salvation Army in Ozark on the last two Saturdays in July. You may vote at both locations from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Voting will close at 6:00 p.m. on the last Saturday in July, 2014.
Tips for Photographers
Red-Eye: This problem is easy to prevent ... shooting without a flash is #1. Some newer cameras have a red-eye reduction feature, but if yours does not when using a flash, try to have your pet not look directly into the camera.
Dark/Light Animals: It is common to see photos of black dogs that look more like black blobs and white dogs who have washed-out features. With black animals, it is important to give them light from all sides to bring out their features and detail. Always use a flash when photographing a dark-coated pet and use a fast film speed - 400 or above. Avoid having the pet backlighted or using fluorescent light.
Angle: Get on your pet’s level when taking his picture.
Patience: Squeaky toys and dangling feathers get pet’s attention. It may take some time for your pet to calm down, so just wait him out. They will relax eventually.
Look Around: To help visualize what your photo will look like, look through your viewfinder and pretend it’s a picture. Notice items in the background and foreground. You want to focus on your pet’s face, eyes, and overall facial expression.
Bring It In: The most effective way for people to improve photos is to step in ... meaning get closer or use your camera’s zoom feature to get “in your pet’s face.”
Experiment with color, props, settings, and camera angles. Before you know it, you’ll have a piece of art!
One more tip ... avoid using a Smart Phone unless you have checked your settings. Remember, get the best quality you possibly can! If you’re unsure, try printing an 8 x 10 and see what it looks like!
The Ozark-Dale County Humane Society is proud to announce our second annual pet photo contest and fundraiser. With such an overwhelming success last year, there is no doubt this contest will be successful this year, too! All proceeds raised by the event help feed and care for the furbabies who pass through our doors and we know they are the real winners! Of course, the pet receiving the most votes will also be a winner, as our cover pet for the 2015 calendar! So get your family, friends, co-workers, and even complete strangers to vote for your pet. You can send an email, share a link to the website on your Facebook page, Twitter ... or even in person!!
Important Information
Voting begins July 20 and votes can be cast at Walmart and Salvation Army in Ozark on the last two Saturdays of July or online at or by mail to:
ODCHS 2015 Photo Contest
PO Box 2502
Ozark AL 36361
Each vote costs one dollar ($1) and there is no limit - you may vote as many times as you’d like!
All profits go to help the Shelter animals.
For more information, visit our website ( You may mail your entry fee and high- quality photo or pay online and upload your high-quality photo. Note: Those pictures whose quality does not meet printable standards may be disqualified.
What Else Can You Do?
✓ Buy a Date - $1/each
✓ Buy a business card ad for your business - $50
✓ Both can be done online at!
NOTE: If you submitted an entry, whether a pet's photo, business card, or date on the calendar, and do not see it on our website, please notify our WEBMASTER by Wednesday, July 31 at 5:00 p.m.
We have set the locations for voting! WalMart and Salvation Army (Martindale Plaza) - both in Ozark - on Saturday, August 3 and August 10 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Be sure to stop by and cast your vote! Of course, you can also vote online beginning August 1! Votes are a dollar each. If you opt to vote online, you can update your total number of votes when you are taken to PayPal. Be sure you click UPDATE to change the amount due.
The time has come! We are kicking off our 2014 Calendar project! You can: