Dee Jay
A couple of volunteers were walking dogs on the path in the wood close to the shelter. They came back to report finding a dog. We went to check it out, and this girl was sitting quietly just off the path. We quickly realized she was not able to get up. We carried her to the shelter and it was evident that she did not have the ability to use her back legs or even move her tail.
We took her to the vet not knowing if we would be bringing her back. No fractures were found and it was thought that perhaps she had suffered some spinal trauma. We decided to give her the best possible care and wait for signs of improvement. Being the fighter she is, improvements came. Slowly she began to stand up and try to walk. She started moving her tail--and we were off to the races.
Today she can romp and play with the best of them. If she rears up and puts all of her weight on her hind legs she still loses her balance on occasion. She also has a little switch to her walk, but that makes her unique. Her name is Dee Jay (DJ) for Debbie and Jane --- her rescuers.
We took her to the vet not knowing if we would be bringing her back. No fractures were found and it was thought that perhaps she had suffered some spinal trauma. We decided to give her the best possible care and wait for signs of improvement. Being the fighter she is, improvements came. Slowly she began to stand up and try to walk. She started moving her tail--and we were off to the races.
Today she can romp and play with the best of them. If she rears up and puts all of her weight on her hind legs she still loses her balance on occasion. She also has a little switch to her walk, but that makes her unique. Her name is Dee Jay (DJ) for Debbie and Jane --- her rescuers.